21 Day Fix Challenge: How It Change My Life…


I’ve received a few messages about the 21 Day Fix program that I’m currently on. People are curious about my results on the program and how well it worked for me so I thought I would post a little review right here!

When my box arrived, it was full of goodies: portions control containers, workout DVD’s, Shakeology and lots of books and recipes!bixe

Yay! It was both exciting and scary because I knew I was about to start something that so many others had had huge success with! I was taking a leap of faith and giving it my all! I jumped in both feet on the ground ready to give 100% of what I had!

The 21 Day Fix is a home workout DVD program that is designed to get you in better shape by being consistent and working through a meal plan and workout plan. The kit contains a nutrition program in the package as well.

Autumn Calabrese had made it simple enough with SIMPLE exercise, SIMPLE portion control, and just 30 minutes of your day for the period of 3 weeks.


I took the assessment included in my kit and figured out how many containers of food a day I’d get, I had to double check because it seemed like a lot at first but it’s because you’re eating whole foods, not processed, out of a box but things like fruits and veggies, proteins, fibers and grains.

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You can complete as many cycles of the 21 day fix program as you like to obtain the best results possible, I personally complete 4 and am on my fifth cycle.

I had done weight watchers for 5 years and was so use to having to count points, but with this, you get a certain number of containers and you just eat the food, no subtracting or adding points… Easy-peasy!

The containers look small at first sight but once I started prepping my meals and filling the containers, my plate had so much food on it! I felt so full but at the same time, I was losing weight like crazy!

In Your 21 Day Fix Package You Get:

▪1 Green Container (8 oz or 1 & 1/4 Cups): For Vegetables

▪1 Purple Container (8 oz or 1&1/4 Cups ): For Fruits

▪1 Red Container (6 oz or 3/4 Cups): For Proteins

▪1Yellow Container (5.3 oz or 1/2 cup): For Carbohydrates

▪1 Blue Container (2.7 ox or 1/4 Cup): For Healthy Fats and Cheeses

▪2 Orange Containers (2 oz or 2 Tablespoons): Seeds and dressings


So How Does It Work:

In your 21 Day Fix Package you’ll get:

▪1 Green Container (8 oz or 1 & 1/4 Cups): For Vegetables

▪1 Purple Container (8 oz or 1&1/4 Cups ): For Fruits

▪1 Red Container (6 oz or 3/4 Cups): For Proteins

▪1 Yellow Container (5.3 oz or 1/2 cup): For Carbohydrates

▪1 Blue Container (2.7 ox or 1/4 Cup): For Healthy Fats and Cheeses

▪2 Orange Containers (2 oz or 2 Tablespoons): Seeds and dressings

▪1 Shakeology Cup: For Mixing Drinks


I’m a super busy wife with a full time job, and serve on two community service teams, oh and I have a dog that demands my time so needless to say, my time was limited. The workout DVD’s were only 30 minutes long and the time speeds by because you’re constantly moving! Some days I would be shocked at how quickly 30 minutes went by.


The DVD’s include:

– Total Body Cardio Fix. Includes moves that keeps your heart rate up and your metabolism revved up even post workout.

– Upper Fix. Includes targeted resistance training which is excellent for shaping your abs, arms, chest, back, and shoulders.

– Lower Fix. Designed to tone and firm your entire lower body while you scorch fat and calories.

– Pilates Fix. Intended to strengthen your core, elongate your muscles, and firm your hips and thighs.

– Cardio Fix. Includes body weight movements like jumping jacks, burpees and more to get your heart pumping as you shed off pounds.

– Yoga Fix.  Designed to help improve your strength, balance, and flexibility as you relax your muscles.

– 2 Bonus workouts are also part of the kit.

What Equipment You’ll Need for 21 Day Fix:

You will need some weights, I do recommend a light set and a heavier set (I purchased a set of 3 pound and 5 pound).  A yoga mat will also be of use to you when you do the floor moves. It’s not a necessity, but it’s a great investment.



So after week one, I followed my meal plan and used the containers, I worked out every day and drink my water intake and I saw results. Down 5 pounds! I was ready for more so on to week 2, I did the same thing and upped my workout routine and down another 6 pounds. By the end of the 21 day cycle, I had lost a total of 13 pounds. I decided it was time to add in the Shakeology. They had 2 vegan options so I put in an order right away!

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Wow, was I glad that I added Shakeology to my fitness and nutrition routine because it drastically changed the way I felt, how my skin looked, and my nails were growing longer and getting stronger!  Not only that but, I just felt so good, I was super energized, refreshed and nourished!

Overall, the 21 Day Fix changed my body in that I lost more than 20 pounds, I had better mental clarity and was really focused!


I received so many compliments from coworkers, strangers, and people I haven’t seen a while, telling me how great I look and how I seem to have a glow! If it’s not worth it for your health alone, I can say the compliments in themselves will make it all worth it!


Before                                                              After

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